The $2 Trillion Question: How To Close The Gender Equity Gap—And Why It Matters For Everyone’s Economic Prosperity
Thursday, 11 March 2021
We are on the heels of a pandemic that has destroyed 22 years of progress toward gender pay equity and 32 years of progress toward gender parity in the labor markets. As it stands, we will have to wait at least 255 years to reap the gains of achieving gender equity across all races and ethnicities. The setback impacts everyone—men, families, businesses, industries, and the broader economy.
Gender equity is a $2 trillion economic opportunity for the United States and a $12 trillion opportunity globally. Join us for a conversation with Katica Roy, Gender Economist, as we explore how the pandemic and its gendered impact are shaping the future of the financial services industry and our collective economy, as well as the real-life solutions that have proven effective at moving the needle on gender equity.