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If you have any questions or queries while completing your registration, please contact or telephone +351939933395.
09:50 - 10:00
Opening Session
EVENT LAUNCH: Fabrice Segui
To launch this amazing week of sharing and inspiration about the future, our dear CEO takes the first step and kick starts WE ARE TOMORROW, into what we hope to be a great experience to all staff at BNP Paribas Portugal.
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10:00 - 11:00
Tech in BNP Paribas
ROUNDTABLE FEATURING: Gonçalo Cardoso de Pina, Andy Crighton, Pierre Terver
MODERATOR: Tiago Ferreira
New technologies are drastically disrupting how financial services businesses operate, and the financial industry is undergoing an important phase of digital transformation. We all know that!
For that reason, our first guests are the local Heads of IT, Data and Operations. Together, they will explore and discuss how technology is disrupting businesses inside and outside BNP Paribas, and what are the strategies taking shape to further optimize and digitize processes.
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11:00 - 12:00
CIB Fintech Strategy and B!UP Program
TOPIC DISCUSSION: Catherine Tonlorenzi, Elisa Henry, Chloe Bardet
Elisa will introduce the Fintech and Innovation Programme at CIB – what are the main points to check when investing in a startup, in what areas.
Chloé will show us how CIB Innovation process centralizes the POC process and the following necessary approval process with all the Functions to implement them inside CIB.
B! UP is an exciting the BNP Paribas' support and incubation programme for young startups, powered by BivwAk! and based at Station F. Catherine will show us the work and present its results.
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12:00 - 13:00
India Fintech Movement
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Vaibhav M Sharma, Nitin Hiram
India has emerged as a global fintech super-power and is now ranked third in total fintech companies. With increasing growing and a fintech adoption rate significantly higher than the other global markets, it is becoming a leader in one of the most exciting economies in the world.
Join this session where Vaibhav Sharma, Head of Transaction Banking Sales at BNP Paribas India, and Nitin Hiram, Assistant Vice President - TB Products, will share their experience and insights about India Fintech Movement, and the opportunities this ecosystem lays for BNP Paribas India.
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14:00 - 15:00
DeltaQ RISE Process
And what better session to start the afternoon than one dedicated to a pleasure that we share so many: a good cup of coffee!
Because technology continues to evolve across all sectors and affecting all in so many ways, this session is dedicated to the future of coffee, which is already taking shape with RISE system from Delta.
Take the chance to meet João from R&D team at Delta Cafes' Innovation Centre and learn how RISE is giving a new meaning to coffee by offering a superlative espresso, perfectly the opposite!
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15:00 - 16:00
AI in BNP Paribas
How is BNP Paribas using AI?
Martin Caupin, Head of Artificial Intelligence Labs, in New York, will share where we stand on the use of Generative AI at CIB and give some demonstrations on the current use-cases.
Don't miss the opportunity to watch this session and learn how this technology is applied in the group.
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16:00 - 17:00
Blockchain / Digital Assets CIB Digital AssetFoundry
In 2022, CIB structured, tokenized and distributed a bond to refinance a solar energy project from EDF. It showed that blockchain can contribute to the financing of small ESG projects by providing a lower barrier to entry and efficiency thanks to direct distribution, as well as transparency regarding the underlying asset (notably ESG).
Julien will show how AssetFoundry is a tokenization platform from origination, to distribution of securities, covering all aspects of tokenization.
10:00 - 11:00
Bye Bye Soft Skills, Hello Power Skills
TOPIC DISCUSSION: Marisa Pardal (SHL Portugal), Madalena Ferreira (SHL Portugal)
Behavioral skills influence how a person interacts with others and responds to certain situations. They define a person's actions, thoughts and emotions, helping to connect with others and form relationships. In this session, our invited speakers from SHL Portugal will focus on the future importance of behavioral skills, given the growing appreciation in the labor market and the opportunity for new careers.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about the most valued power skills and the importance of keep developing a growth mindset. Join this session to explore how to promote this mindset in practice, and gain the capability to develop your power skills!
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11:00 - 12:00
The Future of Work @BNP Paribas Portugal
ROUNDTABLE FEATURING: Vasco Marques, Inês Brites, Francisco Pessoa
MODERATOR: Blandine Despretz
Just like the world at large, the world of work shifts and changes over time.
The future of work is what organizations need to know about how work could shift - given digitization and other trends - plus how workforces and workplaces can prepare for those changes, big and small.
Join this session to have the view of local HR on people's development opportunities, how we are pursuing training trends to help employees and businesses to cope with transformation and in what way the new inspiring workspaces in Lisbon are design to revamp and elevate the learning experience.
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12:00 - 13:00
Get to know Toastmasters!
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Célsio Pereira (Toastmasters Portugal), Clara Noble (Toastmasters Portugal)
Get to know Toastmasters! This international organization teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs.
Toastmasters aims to enhance both the personal and professional lives of their members, including the development of skills, self-confidence and self-awareness, as well as opportunities for fellowship, networking, and building others up.
Join this session to learn more about the program and experience a session with the Portuguese Toastmaster Célsio Pereira about a topic well known to us all – procrastination!
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14:00 - 15:00
Active Listening powered by Virtual Reality
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Charlie Pearmund (Kiin)
Active listening helps individuals to better understand and respond to the needs of their colleagues, clients, and customers. It is not just about hearing the words that are spoken, but also paying attention to the speaker’s tone, body language, and nonverbal cues.
VR technology is a great way to train it by engaging users in virtual conversations, then replay the engagement to see verbal and nonverbal communication, as a virtual mirror. By using avatars, users get individualized training experiences where they learn implicitly what it feels like to be a good listener.
Join this session to learn more about the potential of the technology to develop the important skill of active listening. We have prepared a demo for you!
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15:00 - 16:00
Key Skills for Entrepreneurship
ROUNDTABLE (also featuring BET24 Startups): Pierre Gein (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
MODERATOR: Rudolph Broomes
Student Finance, Flair and Zharta are three exciting start-ups created by young entrepreneurs!
In this session we invite you to learn more about these businesses, with a focus on the skills and self development approach these teams have embraced throughout their journey.
To moderate this session is Rudolph Broomes, Hub Analytics Manager at Personal Finance and an engaged LfT that has participated in the past in BET 24 initiatives.
Rudolph will lead the discussion between these startups together with Pierre Gein, Executive Director at Center for Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship that will draw the connection on how University expertise in the domains of innovation, technology management, and entrepreneurship are increasingly given answer to the high level of interest from students, corporations, the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem, and the society in general.
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16:00 - 17:00
Agile Mindset @Work
TOPIC DISCUSSION: Agnès Pincon, Alice Nguyen
Agile mindset involves understanding, collaborating, learning, and staying flexible to achieve high-performing results! By combining the agile mindset with processes and tools, teams can adapt to change and deliver incremental value to their customers.
To better guide our way through agile we have prepared an interactive session where CIB Lab Talks Team will explore this mindset together with the audience.
Join us to learn more about this modern approach to project management, as a flexible way of thinking that enables people to react quickly and adapt to changing situations.
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17:00 - 18:30
Virtual Escape Room – Arctic Survival
ONLINE CHALLENGE powered by: Mark Fairley (Team Dynamics)
Escape rooms are always a good way to build key skills within teams, such as collaboration, communication, decision making, problem solving – and stamina!
They can also work as a way for teams to rehearse its response to high-stakes situations and challenging times.
Join this session and get the chance to play Arctic Survival game, a remote escape room with an amazing adventure, where you’ll be working in teams and against the clock to crack codes and implement survival plans to get out alive!
10:00 - 11:00
What can we gain from failure?
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: David Ammerschlaeger (Psychologist and TED Talker)
We all have bad days and weeks, when nothing seems to go right. We also have times when we fail to achieve something that we really wanted and find it hard to cope.
However, some people seem much more able to pick themselves up and dust themselves down after these experiences than others.
Join this session and listen a well-known TEDx Speaker, David Ammerschlaeger, advising us on how we should think about failure differently, and how by changing our approach we can making it as a victory.
Click here for the next session.
11:00 - 12:00
Ability: Inspirational Stories
ROUNDTABLE FEATURING: Pedro Miguel Sá, Jorge Pina (Associação Jorge Pina), and Salvador Mendes de Almeida (Associação Salvador)
MODERATOR: Philippe Boulas
Disabilities present challenges to millions of people around the world. While some disabilities are harder to overcome than others, there are some pretty remarkable stories out there of people who didn’t let their disabilities to keep them from achieving.
Hearing about incredible achievements in the face of obstacles is inspiring no matter the circumstance. Join us in this roundtable session and listen to incredible people with jaw-dropping determination!
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12:00 - 13:00
Reaching for the Stars: an Inspiring Story from a Self-Made Man
TOPIC DISCUSSION: Domingos Oliveira (OTIS), Margarida Marques
Do you want to hear a true story about the sky is the limit? Domingos started from scratch and worked his way up to the highest position in Portugal in the international company OTIS, without really seeking for it. This is a true story which will tell us that with hard work, dedication and family support anyone can reach the Top!
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14:00 - 15:00
Fail Forward
ROUNDTABLE FEATURING: Nikolas Fitros, Danièle Soum, Nicolas Geneau, Liliana Runa
MODERATORS: Susana Seixo, Sofia Rangel
Are you afraid to fail? So are we.
Be inspired or at least have something to talk about failure at your next dinner party.
Join four courageous explorers - Nikolas Fitros, Danièle Soum, Nicolas Geneau and Liliana Runa - that accepted the challenge of this session to navigate the most common fear: the fear to fail! With Your mentors and experts on falling forward, Susana and Sofia, alongside Pink and Denzel Washington, will lead the session.
Break out of the ordinary and enroll on this session!
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15:00 - 16:00
Portuguese skate entrepreneurs: don't give up, aim for success & fun!
MODERATOR: Vanessa Herdade
Follow your dreams is possible! Simply put, building a successful business takes a combination of dreams, confidence, and vulnerability. Couple these with passion, willingness to get out of your comfort zone and a vision to bring new things and you will be an unstoppable force!
Join us in this session to understand how Ementa, a Portuguese slow fashion brand, followed their dream on creating a company based on their friendship and love for skateboarding.
Click here for the next session.
16:00 - 17:00
Inspiration and resilience over a 30-year career
TOPIC DISCUSSION: Arturo John, Georgina Philippou (former COO Financial Conduct Authority)
Join Arturo John, our Head of Portugal Compliance Hub, as he interviews his former boss, mentor and source of much inspiration Georgina Philippou on the topics of inspiration, failure, resilience and achievement. Arturo will be asking Georgina to share her insights from her experiences throughout 30 years as a regulator - who inspired her as she inspired others, how did she learn to deal with failures and public criticism, her perspectives on social mobility, diversity & inclusion and what advice she has for the next generation. There will be time for Q&A from the audience too - so join them for what should be an interesting, no holds barred, discussion!
10:00 - 11:00
The importance of the New Competence Centres in BNP Paribas
TOPIC DISCUSSION: Fabrice Segui, Dimitri Thomas, Marc Rollman, Ramesh Srinivasan
Discover new competence centres, and see how they can shape the future of BNP Paribas, from Poland, passing through Romania and ending up in Philippines.
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11:00 - 12:00
BNP Paribas in India
Explore the secrets of India in this session, and find out how BNP Paribas is leading in one of the more fast growing economy in the world.
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12:00 - 13:00
Global bounds around WINs
TOPIC DISCUSSION: David Cristovão, Marina Finger, Naim Ghedouchi, Virendra Mutha
Can a program become global?
See how WINs became an International programme expanding to different locations, such as Brazil, India and UK.
Click here for the next session.
14:00 - 15:00
Your journey abroad
ROUNDTABLE FEATURING: Andy Crighton, Pedro Furtado, Sílvia de Castro
MODERATOR: Vânia Marques
Discover, benefit, and open yourself to new thoughts and topics, this session allow you to discover in more detail all the opportunities that BNP Paribas can offer you, especially from an international perspective.
Click here for the next session.
15:00 - 16:00
Canada Competence Centre
TOPIC DISCUSSION: Michel Andre, Cécile Grimault, Pralaksh Mishra, Anthony Farthing
Celebrate with the Canada Competence Centre their 10 years of existence, exploring the projects and initiatives that they have to offer to the BNP Paribas group.
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16:00 - 17:00
Madrid Competence Centre
TOPIC DISCUSSION: Borja Martinez Fernandez, Marijana Fung, Véronique Lanthiez-Martin, Arancha Siguenza
Deep dive into Madrid Competence Center, navigate through different platforms, RISK, IT, INFINITY and Trade Finance, and explore new opportunities to bond with them.
Please click on a photo to view the speaker biography.
CEO | Head of Territory, BNP Paribas Portugal
Head of CIB IT, BNP Paribas Portugal
Head of Operations, BNP Paribas Portugal
Head of Analytics & Digital | Chief Data Officer , BNP Paribas Portugal
Digital and Technology Trends Manager, BNP Paribas Portugal
Head of B!UP Accelerate Program, BNP Paribas SA
Head of Fintech & Research - Digital Office, BNP Paribas SA
Digital Project Manager - Digital Office, BNP Paribas SA
Assistant Vice President - TB Products, BNP Paribas ISPL
Head of R&D, Grupo Nabeiro (Delta)
Head of Analytics Lab, BNP Paribas SA
Head of AssetFoundry, Digital Assets & Tokenization Platform, BNP Paribas SA
Head of SHL Portugal Training Academy, SHL Portugal
Head of Organizational Strategy & Analytics, SHL Portugal
Chief of Staff Head of Human Resources, BNP Paribas Portugal
HR Business Partner, BNP Paribas Portugal
Training Team Leader - HR, BNP Paribas Portugal
Engagement Manager, Consulting & Transformation, BNP Paribas Portugal
Strategic Planner | Speaker, CE Montepio Geral | Toastmasters Club Portugal
Mental Fitness and Communication Coach, Extra Mile Consultants | Toastmasters Club Portugal
CEO, Kiin
Executive Director at Center For Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Analytics Hub Manager, BNP Paribas Personal Finance
Product Marketing Manager, StudentFinance
Co-Founder, Flair
Co-Founder & CEO, Zharta
Manager - Digital Office, BNP Paribas SA
Project Manager - Digital Office, BNP Paribas SA
CEO, Team Dynamics
Head of Psychology | Speaker, ChingHo Clinic Shanghai | TED Talks
Presidente, Associação Jorge Pina
Diversion & Inclusion Officer, BNP Paribas
Data Analytics Supervisor, BNP Paribas Portugal
CIB ITO Global Head of Global Banking Operations, BNP Paribas Portugal
Former CEO, OTIS
Continuous Improvement Team Manager, BNP Paribas Portugal
Cross Services Department Manager, BNP Paribas Portugal
Global Client Experience Manager, BNP Paribas SA
Global Head of Global Markets Post-Trade Client Service, BNP Paribas Portugal
HR Business Partner, BNP Paribas Portugal
Innovation Specialist - Continuous Improvement, BNP Paribas Portugal
Head of Client Experience Solutions | Uplifting Service Leader, BNP Paribas Portugal
Founder, EMENTA SB
Founder, EMENTA SB
Global Head of Workflow Management Improvement and Automation Solutions, BNP Paribas Portugal
Head of Portugal Compliance Hub, BNP Paribas Portugal
(Former) COO, Financial Conduct Authority
Chief Operating Officer for CIB and SSC, BNP Paribas Poland
Head of Manila Platform Development, BNP Paribas
COO, BNP Paribas Hungary
Head Change Management & Chief of Staff COCE India, BNP Paribas ISPL
Vice President - Change Management, BNP Paribas ISPL
Senior Project Manager - Continuous Improvement, BNP Paribas Portugal
Business Manager, BNP Paribas Brasil
Local Head of Business Solutions Unit, BNP Paribas UK
Project Manager - Change & Solutions, BNP Paribas Canada
Porto Site Leader, BNP Paribas Portugal
Senior HR Business Partner, BNP Paribas Portugal
Managing Director – Head of Operations, BNP Paribas Canada
COO | Chief Conduct and Control Officer, BNP Paribas Canada
Efficiency Commando Team Member, BNP Paribas Canada
Commando Team, BNP Paribas Canada
Head of Madrid International IT Service Platform, BNP Paribas Spain
Risk Independent Review and Control CRM Lead, BNP Paribas Spain
Deputy Head of Trade Finance Service Center, BNP Paribas Spain
COO - Head of Infinity EMEA, BNP Paribas Spain